Posts categorized: Blog
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New Book: WordPress Themes In Depth
I am excited to tell you about my new book, WordPress Themes In Depth. If you are getting into WordPress development and want build and sell your own awesome WordPress themes, this book is written especially for you.
Book review at WinningWP
Just a quick post to let you know about a great review of .htaccess made easy over at WinningWP. The review provides an excellent synopsis of the book and its key features. If you’re thinking about getting .htaccess made easy, you should check out this book review!
Fall Book Sale!
To celebrate the new version of the book and the best time of year, we’re having a Fall Book Sale to save some bucks on .htaccess made easy.
Book Excerpt: .htaccess Character Definitions (Free PDF)
A reader requested a standalone PDF for the Character Definitions table in chapter 2.7 of the book. On some devices, it’s not possible to open the same document twice, so the standalone PDF may be viewed while reading through the book, making it easier to follow along with code and examples. It’s also nice to […]
Book Update: Version 1.4!
Version 1.4 now available! This update to the First Edition of .htaccess made easy includes many improvements, including fixed typos, updated code, revised content, and new material. Here is a summary of changes: