Posts categorized: Blog

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Site References

.htaccess made easy brings together a massive amount of information, mixes it with years of experience, and distills it down into a smooth, concentrated blend of .htaccess goodness. In the book, most of the reference-URLs are shortened to help save space and keep things streamlined. The book provides a complete list of around 250 shortened […]

Beefing up bbPress

Working with bbPress for the site’s forum, I found GD bbPress Tools by Milan Petrovic to be a HUGE help in configuring, customizing, and extending bbPress functionality. It helps with everything you can think of, from BBCodes and signatures to script loading, custom-views, toolbar links, and way more.

Almost There

The site is 99% complete and it’s now time to return to book production and finish things up. Once the book is ready (also 99% complete), it’s time to tie it all together and do some final testing. So far everything is on track for early September launch. I actually started working on the project […]

Site Development

Now as the design is nearing completion, it’s useful to post some of the development notes for future reference and general interest. To build this site, the following components were integrated:

Goodbye World

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin varius at quam blandit efficitur. Sed tristique lectus vitae mauris faucibus imperdiet eu sit amet odio. Sed a urna consequat, dapibus arcu non, tempus lacus. Aenean commodo mi non elit vestibulum molestie in luctus nisi. Nunc eu ligula scelerisque, vulputate justo at, finibus purus. Etiam nec […]